A much needed rain shower cooled temps and welcomed 7 faithful and 2 FNG’s to our third iteration of the Lucky Horseshoe. Here’s how it went down.
Mosey to the corner of the soccer fields near River Rd.
SSH x 20 Merkins x 15 Imperial Walkers x 20 Freddie Mercurys x 20 Russian Soldiers x 22
Mosey back to the shovel flag to begin the Lucky Horseshoe. The PAX has 33 minutes to complete the following around the track:
Lap 1 around the track- merkins x 20
Lap 2: merkins x 20, storm squats x 20
Lap 3: Merkins x20, Storm Squats x 20, Scorpion Drydocks x 20
Lap 4: Merkins x 20, Storm Squats x 20, Scorpion Drydocks x 20, WWII situps x 20
Lap 5: Merkins x 20, Storm Squats x 20, Scorpion Drydocks x 20, WWII situps x 20, Lunges x 20
Lap 6: Storm Squats x 20, Scorpion Drydocks x 20, WWII situps x 20, Lunges x 20
Lap 7: Scorpion Drydocks x 20, WWII situps x 20, Lunges x 20
Lap 8: WWII x 20, Lunges x 20
Lap 9: Lunges x 20
Lap 10: Victory Lap
COT and record how much each member of the PAX completed.
Welcome to Rousey and Trickle! It was great to have you out today and hope you continue to post. We were a little light today; could it have been a little too Gloomy for the PAX, was the fartsack that comfy, or is the ramped up training for the BRR taking its toll? Who knows, but it’s always good to have more men looking to get better and stronger.
This is another PT test of sorts to measure the progress of the PAX. YHC had large shoes to fill in the absence of Loose Goose with respect to this workout. It was made very clear that a laminated and possibly oversized weinke would be much appreciated by the PAX, so YHC took it a step further. Unfortunately, YHC ran into the travesty of not having image posting privileges, so check back to this backblast later when that is remedied with a pic of the PAX. I think LG would be proud!
YHC still has no idea what the significance of 33 minutes is, but it’s a good number given that none of the PAX finished with a full pull. Sippy Cup was on a roll and had a chance, but had to leave early due to a prior commitment. Probably ran to Williamsburg. Swirly finished 9 full laps; NICE WORK! And, there were several in the 8 lap range. Marv was intent on pushing the PAX and tried to add a extra squat in the Storm Squats, but thankfully the PAX corrected the exercise else we might all still be out there! If you want a real challenge, see the backblast from July 2 for the last Lucky Horseshoe to see the handwritten results of that workout. What a disaster. All YHC was able to glean from that pic was that DK was a little lost. Your results from today are below. If there are corrections, let me know!
Thanks to Marv for taking us out (with a prayer brought to you by one of our own) and for letting me lead you today. Go out and lead with PURPOSE!
TYA: 8 completed
Marv: 7 completed plus a lap
Rousey: 8 and a lap
Trickle: 6
Pucker: 7 and a lap
Swirly: 9
Fudd: 8
BT: 8
Sippy: ???
Regularly scheduled workouts continue through the week.
There will be a Sunday run as prep continues for the BRR. Hopefully, it will be added to the Schedule on this site, but if not, post Friday for details!
Nice work today, fellas! Looking forward to seeing who’s going to finish the whole thing in time!
Nice Q BT. LG would have approved. I completed 9 full laps…..not 8.
BT, the lanyards are classic. It is a piece of F3 gear that will never grow old. LG’s laminated card is so yesterday. FEBA
Thanks for adding the pic, DK! Fudd, I’ll make the change.
Awesome. Lanyards? Can’t wait to earn one of my own
This is a great workout–thanks for introducing it to us, LG.
Atta baby BT – love the lanyard pic too….