Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Happy 4th Beatdown! Part Deux


Five of the faithful posted for a 4th of July boot-camp, two of which arrived somewhat late after posting at #dogpile.  Jville took the Q, and this is how the celebration went down:

ssh x 25
merk x 15
don quixote x 25
hillbillies x 25
merk x 15
standing mountain climbers x 25

Mosey to Grassy Knoll
10 minues of burpees

Mosey to Old Schoolhouse
triple play wall sit / plank / run (2 sets)

Earthworm took the Q

lunge walk to pavilion
Al Gore against tree-like pillers
partner Leg Toss x 25 (2 sets)
tabata (3 min) dips
partner Leg Toss x 25 (2 sets)
Al Gore against tree-like pillers

Mosey to playground
pullups for 30 seconds (2 sets)

Mosey to parking lot for 8 minutes of Mary, including:
LBC x 25
Dolly x 25
Rosalita x 25
Alabama Prom Date x 25
protractor / run alphabet
ham glute walks
Freddy Merc x 25
LBC x 25

We were glad to have the double dippers, especially since the F3 Richmond numbers are down on account of holiday and midsummer vacations.

Groh had just returned the evening before from a trip to Alabama, and he stated that he would rather do burpees for 1 hour than get stuck in traffic again on I-85.

Bleeder was really just passing through RVA temporarily between a 2 week ski vacation in Austria and a dude ranch in Colorado.

Chum Bucket was about to depart for a vacation to Ocracoke Island and boasted that he had been training all year and was not about to let a dozen or so shark attacks keep him out of the ocean.

Thanks for posting guys and enjoy your vacations!

— Jville





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