Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Imperial Squat Walkers…In Cadence…Fail


Another group of 13 gathered at #NoToll for a Tuesday morning beat down.  Here’s how it went down.

The Thang:

COP: 20 SSH, 25 LBC, 4 then 11 Imperial Squat Walkers, 20 Crab Cakes, 15 Merkins

Mosey to Soccer Field

Modified Dora 1-2-3 Partner up: as a team, complete 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats; while one partner cranks through the reps, the other runs width of soccer field and back; modifcation: bear crawl or lunge first half of width.  Repeat until complete.  Additional 200 LBCs added as an audible.

Mosey around far fields back to bleachers

Lindsays 2 exercises, sets of 40 (30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30): 1) Dips + Merkins, 2) Dead Cockroaches + Monkey Humpers (2 sets cut short)

Mosey back to shovel flag for COT


Welcome to FNG Rosie!  This makes 3 Pax (Shooter, Choo Choo, Rosie) from the Briarwood neighborhood, located just across Huguenot on Robious Rd.  Way to spread the word, Shooter!

Non-4-count exercises continue to stump the RVA Faithful.  The 5-count Imperial Squat Walker in cadence crashed and burned after 4.  YHC stopped the PAX and suggested slowing things down, and we could only muster 11.

This is the 2nd epic fail for YHC as Q involving Imperial Walkers.  If you fail, try-try-try again?

YHC planned way more than what we actually completed…good thing YHC is Q’ing DogPile in 2 weeks.

Looking back on our previous Back Blasts, it’s been a while since we completed The Roxanne.  YHC was hoping that our resident siren, FUDD, would post to enjoy Johnsonville’s creative exercise combined with British ska-pop…which I don’t think FUDD has experienced.  The jukebox was primed, loaded, and ready to go.  Next time…

The first set of Lindsay’s were brutal…Bleeder almost splashed Merlot and had to take a breather.  YHC just thought he had finished before everyone else.


Sippy’s VQ is Saturday + RTD coverage.  Be there.

Buy RVA Regional Shirts.  Do it.



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  1. My shoulder is now useless. Special thanks to Johnsonville for giving us the Lindsay and DK for not letting it fade away. XOXO

  2. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great workout DK. Johnsonville’s original Merkin/Dip Lindsay’s are torture.

  3. That was a solid follow up to the Punisher on Monday. Upper body is cooked. BT was sleepy today, resting for 45MOM;) Nice work, DK!