A lucky 13 posted for the morning ritual at Mary Munford. Treats were promised and treats there were, in the form of hand made bricks from the 1900’s. Two per PAX to accompany them on their beatdown journey today.
The Thang:
Mosey to field for warm up COP, welcome a disclaimer. All in cadence. 20x SSH, 15x merkins (on bricks), 20x Dying Cochroaches, 25x Imperial Walkers. Mosey to line of 11 Trees for …. you guessed it 11’s. Start with 10 Lt. Dan’s and 1 Squat Jump with bricks. When you complete the 11’s do Brick Burpees until all PAX arrive. Quick 3 minutes of Mary, in cadence 20x russian twists, 20x alabama prom dates. Mosey to School saying hello to the Tomatoes on the way. Next exercise, ascending Triple check. First round, 1 PAX runs 100 yards and back with two bricks, second PAX does brick curls, third PAX does brick overhead presses, switch until all have done all exercises. Planks for one minute. Round two of Triple check, first PAX does 2 x 100 yards and back with two bricks, second PAX brick tricep raises, third PAX brick fly’s, switch until all have done all exercises. Round 3, 3 x run 100 yards and back with two bricks, second PAX brick reverse curls, third PAX brick lawnmowers, switch until all PAX have done all exercises. Round 4, 4 x 100 yards back in forth (no bricks, second PAX peoples chair with 2 bricks overhead, third pax plank on bricks, switch until all PAX have done all exercises. Mosey to shovel flag 2 minutes of mary, in cadence 20x russian twists (first ten with two bricks, second ten with one), 20 x LBC. COT with final thoughts by Fudd.
Great to have Goldberg back for his second F3 workout. He acquitted himself well today, despite the fact that he is battling a hamstring issue. He showed up just in time, on his bike as he only lives a few blocks from the AO. We look forward to seeing him at more workouts in the future. Also, he is a great addition to the team as he is a Dr. and can (maybe) fix the minor aches and pains that he PAX are experiencing?
Several of the PAX had difficulty with their companions today. I shall mention no names, but you know who you are. Despite the rumor that bricks are strong, several of the PAX broke several of their bricks today. YHC thinks maybe they were trying to lighten their load during the workout.
Russian twists are a real crowd pleaser. Although YHC is a huge fan, the amount of grumbling and huffing and puffing goes way up when Russian Twists are called. For some reason, they seem to be the achilles heel of a majority of the Richmond PAX. Must mean we should do more and more of them going forward.
TYA was on the brink of having a wardrobe malfunction this morning. He broke out his 1980’s short shorts for the workout and although they were a crowdpleaser with the tomatoes, they did not keep all appropriate gear in the appropriate place. Those shorts are now being retired.
Tshirts available on the website. Order as many as you can so we can all get the new designs
TYA is organizing Rugged Maniac on October 10. Let him know if you are interested.
June 6th we are having a visitor at our workout at Dogpile. Come one and all if you can so we can get some great positive publicity for F3 RVA.
Hard work today fella’s, especially given the extra load and the rising temperatures. See you in the gloom soon.
You can’t retire the freeballer shorts. I was digging for a pair of mine to break out. If I find them, they’re coming out, literally. Lt. Dans were lovely; glad to have them in the 11’s.
Way to lead, @TYA, I really enjoyed that workout. LT Dan was definitely felt in the run a day later. And I can’t disagree with @Brain Tumor more. Please retire the 80’s shorts. You can probably even claim antique pricing if you donate them to Goodwill.
TYA, phone’s for you…it’s 1985…they want their shorts back
Stay strong, TYA, and never change.
I agree 100%, but 1985 just called…seriously.
Russian twists….. Great Q TYA