Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

In your name we play(?)


Another beautiful Monday morning and a six PAX showed for The Punisher.

The Thang:

Mosey to the northwest quadrant of the school property for a COP with 20 x SSHs, 15 x Imperial Walkers, 15 x Don Quixotes, and 15 each of forward and backward arm circles.

Jog around the garden beds to the outdoor classroom for Lindsays – 40 exercises split between pullups and dips.  Pullups under the picnic tables and dips along the benches.  Started with 10 pullups and 30 dips – increased pullups and decreased dips by 5 each per set until PAX completed 30 and 10.

Jog the north wall of the school building to the bus circle for Curb Crawls – Bear Crawl across the bus lane to the opposite curb and one derkin.  Crawl back and complete 2 derkins.  Rinse and repeat until 10 derkins done.  Stand and wait with Al Gore Touchdowns.

Jog to the front schoolyard for a Pyramid.  Start with 10 squats and run a circle around the tree line.  Next, 20 squats and 20 flutter kicks and a run.  Next, 30 squats, flutter kicks, and mountain climbers followed by a run.  Last, 40 of each with 40 LBCs affixed to the end and followed by a run.

Triple check next – two groups of three – one guy holds People’s Chair, another Plank Walks, and the third runs to the tree line and back.  Complete three rotations.

Stroll to the edge of the parking lot and circle up for Burp Circle – one guy completes five burpees while the rest of the PAX completes Plank Walks.  Burpee guy makes a lap around the circle and the next guy goes.  Repeat until circle completed.

Mosey to the ShovelFlag for COT.


The outdoor classroom tables are great for dips, but poor for pullups.  Conspiracy and Bleeder, apparently frustrated by the lack of challenge offered by assisted pullups climbed the shelter rafters in pursuit of a better pullup.

We apparently hate Curb Crawls which must mean they are good for us.

Welcome Dojo (FNG) – after hearing about his background and his pursuits (which YHC did not recall included Martial Arts training) we came up with this.

Fudd and Bleeder – please reply with some details on the golf tournament on Friday and if you have any openings in your foursomes.

YHC “took us out” with an inspired prayer wrapped up with “in your name we play”.  Amen to that.


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  1. Döner Kebab on

    Chum, here is the website with info about the golf tournament:
    Brain Tumor is captaining a foursome (filling in for Fudd who will be in Boston on Friday). Last I heard on Saturday @DogPile, there were still spots available…but that may have changed, but definitely ask BT!