4 gather for Earthworm’s Pregame Gut check, John the Baptist and his leadership style were discussed.
4 was reduced to 3(Cheetah was prepping for Soccer later in the day) then 4 more Strong members joined for the first COP, 1 LIFO was added mid COP, and three more were DD’s appeared mid way and if YHC math works that’s 11.
Mosey to Soccer Field
15x Merkins
20X Don Quixote
30X LBC’s
20X Imperial Walkers
20X Flutter Kicks
Mosey to Track
Merkin Ladder from 20 to 1, with 50 yard run between each set around track.
Mosey back to Soccer Field
The Beast (Dealer’s Choice)
Alabama Prom Date(Swirly)
An Exercise that Chum Picked(don’t remember the actual exercise)
An Exercise that Conspiracy picked(don’t remember the actual exercise)
An Exercise that Johnsonville Picked(not sure he knew we were doing a Beast, because I had to ask what exercise he said three times)
Monkey Rolls
Mosey Back to Shovel Flag
Earthworm and Johnsonville wrapped up an eight week session on Leadership in the bible, YHC attended a few of them, it adds a great deal of perscpective what we are doing. Tclaps to them for leading that 3rd F effort in RVA.
YHC was backup Q for TYA, He was fighting a medical issue; hopefully, it has “passed”, Speedy recovery to him.
Welcome Pig Skin, up from Charlotte, visiting family in Richmond. In my Brief conversation with him, He has been doing F3 for a three+ years. He received “Respect, Respect” in the COT, Thanks for joining the RVA Pax!
Mumble Chatter was light in the First COP as we moved to the Merkin Latter, Complaints became evident to YHC in the transition. Jville continues to battle his current physical limitations, but does continue to Post on Saturdays but is unable to perform many of the exercises.
The Double Dippers arrived just in time for the beginning of The Beast, Complaints were heard from most of the double dippers, as the beast launched with Burpees.
During the intervals Fudd commented that Toga’s Dogpile workout was intense. YHC has never been to a Toga workout that wasn’t intense.
During the Monkey Rolls, YHC needs to apologize to Groh, YHC slipped and dropped an elbow square onto Groh, sorry about that. Tclaps to the other groups for executing impressive intervals of rolling, jumping and dodging on each other.
Post Workout Coffeeteria
Several of the PAX convened at the Daily Grind for a shot of Caffeine. Conversations about UVA reunions, FBI agents, and other various activities were discussed. YHC had to wash off whatever fertilizer product YHC had rolled in. Apparently, sweat and fertilizer can turn into hydrocholic acid at room temperature.
Next Workouts at 0530
Monday Punisher, Chum Bucket on Q
Tuesday noToll, GUEST Q, Freeloader
Wednesday SOT, Lugnut on Q,
Thursday 45MM, Loose Goose on Q
Friday RAMM, TYA on Q
Men, Nice work today! Way to bring it!
Nice workout! Sounds like it was tough!
Nice Job Bleeder – way to bring the pain – great workout!