Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

If you find something you’re not good at, Do more of it?


7 post on a cool and crisp Sunny & 70 morning.  Here’s how it went down…

The Thang

Mosey to the football field


100 yd jog 50%

100 yd jog 75%


100 yd sprint down & back (5x)

Triple Check – Merry Go Round

run 100 yd sprint

jog back to start

5 Merkins

Rinse and repeat 3x

Triple Check – Merry Go Round

run 100 yd sprint

jog back to start

5 lbc

Rinse and repeat 3x

Triple Check – Merry Go Round

run 100 yd sprint

jog back to start

5  jump squats

Rinse and repeat 3x

Triple Check – Merry Go Round

run 100 yd sprint

jog back to start

5 Mtn Climbers to 20 count

Rinse and repeat 3x

Triple Check – Merry Go Round

run 100 yd sprint

jog back to start

5 Werkins

Rinse and repeat 3x


100 yd sprint down & back (5x)

Johnny Cash

Jog 100 yd down and back in formation

Mosey to the Shovel Flag for COT


First off I must say great work by all today.  Toga (yes, Toga) set the pace for 52 friendly 100 yard runs.

YHC did hear a few rumblings at the beginning of the workout from the Mayor of Grumpton but it seemed to subside or YHC breathing was too heavy to notice.

Have to admit it was nice having Toga & BT on the south side, assumptions are that property values rose a couple of points today.  As all good host should do, you don’t want to brag about how good your AO is in front of others.  Therefore, we stayed on the football field throughout the workout and saved a little mystery for another day.

Shout out to Wedding Singer for leaving no man left behind and running with YHC during a vast majority of the runs.  I know you were prepped to defeat Toga this morning. You had him.

DK, your squat jump selection was perfect.  I got the squat but couldn’t find the jump!

TYA paced very nicely this morning, it was almost like he knew something other’s did not??????

Lastly Wilson gave the “Big Reveal” on Carrie joining the FBI on the next season of Homeland.   Hope that didn’t ruin the surprise for anyone else.   I know, I know it’s the CIA.

Hey, where is Conspiracy?

Have a great one!



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  1. Yes.., there is going to be some soreness associated with this one. Thankfully, Hump Day Happy Hour is right around the corner to provide some help.

    Great Q today!

  2. Tough workout Lugnut! Well done. SOT will be a great AO. Damn ride home…………….seat heater did not even work!

  3. Wedding Singer on

    Things hurt getting out of my car when I returned home. Great change of pace Lug.

    ps. I’m usually the man left behind, I could express the same to you.