Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Source of Truth


The Thang

Mosey to middle of the crisp untouched snow covered field


20x SSH

15x Mountain Climbers

20x Imperial Walkers

20x LBC

Zombie Walk

To middle of bus loop then jog to the Tennis Courts

Escalator Four Corners

10 Merkins

10 Merkins, 20 LBC

10 Merkins, 20 LBC, 30 Deep Knee Bends

10, Merkins, 20 LBC, 30 DKB, 40 SSH

Plank & unwind

40 SSH, 30 DKB, 20 LBC, 10 Merkins

30 DKB, 20 LBC, 10 Merkins

20 LBC, 10 Merkins

10 Merkins

Mini Beast

At the end of each court (4) do 50 LBC to plank

Rinse & repeat

At the end of each court (4) do 10 Merkins to plank

Lunge back

Mosey to flatly packed snow in parking lot

Johnny Cash

Pax circles and holds Dead Cockroach position while each member counts 10 LBC

Repeat with 10 merkins

Top off with another 10 LBC

Mosey to the Shovel Flag for COT


YHC has been looking forward to an AO much closer to home.  The good news for the rest of the PAX is it was a beautiful, crusty, icy & snow covered Gloom just the way F3Richmond likes it!  Sunny & 70, as always!

Bleeder took full advantage of the opportunity to perfect his donuts on the pristine snow.  Evidently he had a little extra time on his hands after picking up TYA at 0449.50.  A note for future reference; you do not have to go through Customs on the way to the south side.

TYA did bring his curmudgeonly spirit across the river, it will be noted however after 15 minutes in the snow covered Gloom his spirits changed and the delightful, kind, & gentle TYA returned.  YHC is not sure if it was the flashback to childhood memories in the snow or the mumble chatter with Wedding Singer reliving the Pats 28 -0 victory over the Seahawks .

As always the counting during the COP is still a work in process.  This time however Iron led the charge cleverly leaving out a couple of numbers along the way.  The tone was set for the rest of morning.

TCLAPS to Wilson & Wedding Singer for actually doing lunges with proper form, well done.

The six pack mini-CSAUP is still a possibility for YHC, Bleeder, & TYA.

It should be noted that Wilson’s wife did grant permission for him to attend, hmmm, should we ask her to give Toga’s wife a call?

See you next week.



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  1. Looks like a good workout! Wish I could have made it, but I am a HC to post tomorrow in the next iteration of Sunny & 70

  2. Again….nice Q @Lugnut! I was warmer than usual. Probably cause Wilson’s Wife got me all bundled up.

  3. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great first workout! And lugnut, I’ve never been referred to as delightful, kind, and gentle before… Thanks

  4. Hated to miss the new frontier. And this moleskin is why you read everything to the end. Otherwise, you may miss a well-placed and well-deserved jab. Nice work, Lugnut!