Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Doppelgänger Sighting at the GridIron


The Gloom offered a pleasant mid-30s temperature when Lugnut planted the Shovel Flag. Amidst the season of Advent, 9 of the Faithful and 1 FNG were prepared to celebrate.

Mosey to north side of school and lower GridIron, with Earthworm at the Q:

Welcome and Disclaimer
20x SSH, 20x Freddy Mercury’s, 20xWindmills, and 15x Squats

Mosey to back of school – vicinity of covered bus stop pillars (henceforth, the “Pillars”) for COP:

OYO “40s” – alternating Merkins (30, 25, 20, 15, and 10) and Dolly’s (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) with slalom runs on the Pillars

OYO “40s” – alternating LBCs (30, 25, 20, 15, and 10) and Imperial Squat Walkers (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) with slalom runs on the Pillars

Run and jumps over Planks at alternating Pillars
Slalom run – People’s Chair at alternating Pillars

Q hand off to Slater, and mosey to front of school for the Beast:
Plank Jack, Suitcase, SSH, Burpees, Squat, Werkins, Reverse Lunge (7 is not a miscount – see Moleskin for trickery)
Mosey to back of school at the baseball bleachers:

Partner up – one partner does dips, while the other runs to the bars for 5 chin ups and then back; switch (x2)
Merkins x10

Mosey back to parking lot
Our FNG was visiting from “Fayette-nam” and other exotic but undisclosed locales as the circumstances may warrant. Having observed some outright challenges to Beast supremacy and sensing that Conspiracy’s twin (#doppelgänger) was present, Loose Goose moved to anoint the FNG as RICO. The motion was seconded and, after consideration of such other handles as Jump Doc, Snake-Eater, and Flying Camel, unanimously approved. RICO was duly christened and warmly welcomed.

Speaking of Conspiracy, Slater swears he was duped into an extra set on the Beast. But all was good, except for a few of the PAX when certain devotees of Burpees called for that punishment mid-way through the Beast. Onward and upward.

Christmas blessings!
1 Corinthians 16:13-14


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  1. Good job with the Q, gentlemen! I’m sure I’m not the only one who is sore today. And Conspiracy as LIFO for second week in a row was good fodder for trash talking… He looked fast for that last 50 minutes!