The shovel flag was planted for the first open weekday F3 workout in Richmond, and 15 of the faithful posted with spirits high. The AO was Mary Munford ES which had a lovely, swampy feel due a long night of rain. Bleeder got us going…
The Thang:
Q ~ Bleeder
Run to warm-up COP: 20 SSH, 10 merkins, 15 slow squats, 15 LBC, 12 Imperial Walkers
Some AO recon by Bleeder the THE Yankee Aggressor yielded a great round of 11s with merkins and LBCs done at a perfect series of trees on the perimeter.
Run to soccer field for: bear crawl to sprint followed by crab walk to sprint
Q ~ Toga
Wheelbarrow to the 50 then flapjack, Fireman carry to 50 then flapjack
Indian Run around perimeter of fields
COP: 15 Mt Climbers, 12 rosalitas, 15 back lunges, 10 heals to heaven
Run to Tennis Courts for: Lunge then sprint, backwards run then sprint, karaoke then down and back AYG
Run to 5 MOM: LBC, flutter kicks, bicycles, suitcase, Sit-ups, various planks
It turns out that being prepared with a Weinke is not the same as being prepared with a Weinke and a light to read it by. That aside, this was a new weekday record for our fledgling crew, and we welcomed G Lo and Madoff. Raider’s gift shown brightly at the edge of the park, and I was very proud to be a part of what I think was our first non-NC event. We’re puttin’ our schoolin’ to work!
We’ll rinse and repeat on Saturday with some of the Raleigh contingent putting us through the paces. Looking forward to it!
Triple Claps to Toga for the BackBlast! Great job everyone!
Nice work, men! Love the bear crawls on the wet soccer field.
Those Elevens in the sopping mud were killer, and special thanks to Johnsonville for not clocking me when I turned around and left my lane on the tennis courts.
Good job Qs and PAX! It was well worth the early morning rise. Sat 0700 cannot come fast enough!
This is awesome…you guys are killing it.
And how about the umlaut on DK’s name in the PAX list?! I’m guessing there was some conversation about that during COT. #precision