Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

My Love For You Will Never Die


Six sun seekers met in the clear darkness of Batteau to enjoy Hardywood’s drug of choice. Here’s how we rolled it:

COP: Arm Circles (to test out the old wing) x 10. SSHs x 20. Russian Soldiers x 10. Imperial Walkers x 10. Merkins x 10.

Coffee Black: Batteau Beast (in the bowl). American Hammers + Plank Jacks + Mountain Climbers + WWIIs + (an exercise that completely escapes me) + HR Merkins.

Cigarettes: Triple Check. Swing Planks + SSHs while timer runs to the tree (see Bleeder for further aborist information as to the type) and performs 5 merkins of choice.

Start This Day Like All The Rest: Mosey down to the bottom of the Hill of Ill Repute. Partner up: Round 1 – partner 1 runs to the top of the hill and back while partner 2 crawl bears up the hill. Switch and repeat. Round 2 – partner 1 runs to the top of the hill and back while partner 2 lunges. Round 3 – partner 1 runs to the top of the hill and back while partner 2 triple jump squats.

First Thing In The Morning That I Do…:  Flutter kicks x 100 IC.

NMS: Day two of Vinny’s World Tour is in the books. We put a lot down on the plate today and ate every bit of it. Well done gentlemen. There was lots of joy in the air due to the lack of clouds. Bleeder and Hardywood were particularly spry this morning. On the way out, Hardywood noted his drug of choice, the sun. It was a welcome infusion for sure. Make it a great day men. Thanks for letting me lead.


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  1. Awesome morning men. We never take the sun for granted. It’s been missed greatly. Glad to share this day, like all the rest.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done VInny ! Don Williams – well played….
    Great job guys – see ya next week !

  3. Great Q Vinny! The crawl bear up the hill of ill repute gets me every time. I have never been so glad to start running. And thank you for sharing your party trick. Not the one with the box with the hole in it where you put in surprise, but the one we did at the end of the workout. Well done sir.