Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rogue Run Reprise @ SOT


10 stallions arrived to SOT to find 50 degrees and mostly clear skies. YHC only remembered he was leading around 5:12am…only thing to do: pick up Bullseye and get on with it.


Mosey around school so YHC could get his bearings.

COP: SSH, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Flutterkicks, Hello Dollies

Mosey down to track for reprise of the Dryhumper Mile: 1 lap around track, 25 Carolina Drydocks, 25 Monkey Humpers – repeato x 4

YHC asked those who finished early to “plank and consider shoulder tapping”.

Pass Q to Bullseye, former group-run/bootcamp leader of Rogue Run (along with Garbage Plate)

Mosey around field house

Find a piece of wall for Rogue Run Reprise: Circuit that comprised of Wall Sit, 10 walk out/in merkins, mosey to base of hill, backwards run to top, 15 squat jumps in cadence – Repeat circuit 4 times, but add 20 then 30 then 40 crawl bear strides up the hill plus various merkins at top of hill: diamond then wide grip then hand release

Mosey back to VSF for COT – EF Hutton took us out

Naked Moleskin
Great having double digits out at most of the SOJ workouts this year. Keep it up gents!

YHC asked Bullseye if he’d consider leading part of the workout on the way to the AO. Bullseye threw out his back last week…and is allergic to ab exercises….so what better way to do what he wants than to lead! And man, did he smoke us with that circuit…he even smoked himself. T-claps for gutting it out, gents.

Glad the top runners let loose after the first lap as a group….would hate to hold Tobit & Doozy back.

T-claps to all PAX who performed shoulder taps, even when only asked to consider doing so.

Bullseye explained after the workout that he and Garbage Plate used to do something similar to Seal Team…then split off to start a coed running group that ran MWF from Libbie & Grove that they called Rogue Run…size got up to 50 at times….and balanced running with bootcamps on TTh. Bullseye injered himself and was out for about a year…and we’re glad he found F3!

Great morning out there, guys. Thanks for letting me lead half.

BRR & Retreat in September


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  1. Well done DK and Bullseye!….that Rogue Run Reprise circuit was a total smokefest. Still trying to figure out how Bullseye completed his sets of walk in/out merkins so quickly.

    Speaking of top runners, Sugar Sock destroyed the Dryhumper Mile this AM! I was pushing to keep up.

  2. Nice combo Q by DK and Bullseye. The walk-in/out merkins were… I guess the PAX needs practice on that one. Bullseye crushed those. I know I am not the only one anxiously awaiting your VQ.

    Tobit, you were a couple lanes to the outside of me on the track! Way to push the pace, brother.

  3. Well done DK and Bullseye. I for one am not anxious for the Rogue Run circuit to come back around…that was brutal. Thanks for the double-down with that last rotation, DK!

    Great to have double-digits continue at SOT. And, great having McRib in the gloom.

    I’m hoping for some company at T-wolf tomorrow…

  4. Always feel the love when I visit the SOJ. The circuit also made me feel the pain. Well done gents.

  5. That was one of the harder SOTs that I’ve been to, way to go DK and Bullseye. Between the ball dippers at No Toll and the wall sits today my legs are killin me.

  6. Great job today DK and Bullseye!

    Rogue run circuits brought the pain. Thanks for leading today.

    It was great to be back in the gloom.

    Til next time
