Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Redeeming Coupons on Christmas Day


A strong (or stupid) Six broke free of the holiday slumber on Christmas morning.  Hot Potato Q was a gift to all.

Honeydo:  COP stuff then mosey to Pemberton ES.  Scout the materials and Lo a bunch of Cinder Block Coupons were grabbed and redeemed.  Run lot with blocks in each hand, 1 Burpee , then back, 2 burpees, on up to 5.

Atilla:  Bear Crawl across lot, 5 WWII, back and increase by 5 all way up to 20.  Then Wheelbarrow lot and back.  Lunge back across lot with blocks.

EF Hutton:  Partner up, 1 man runs lot & back with blocks in hand while other did:  Block assisted Merkins, then  Overhead presses, then Curls.  Handoff to Handshake, deposit coupons and head to dropoff area for Pemberton ES.  10 Burpees, run loop then 9 Flutterkicks, then alternate down to 1.  Back to Flag.  Conspiracy called for Clap-Merkins ROF and out.  Atilla took us out.

NMS – Great to see 6 out this AM.  YHC wasn’t sure  if it would be just Atilla and YHC.  Those construction materials have been calling to the PAX for some time.  The Cinder Blocks are longer and narrower than normal ones, being govt procured are probably 10 x’s as much, so gripping those while carrying was tons of fun.  We spent all but the end in the lot with our Christmas Coupons, EF Hutton especially put the hurtin’ on our forearms.  Note for future HBR Qs there are a lot of other coupon types to play with.

Glad to have Greenbow out at HBR.  Always welcome back!  Merry Christmas all F3RVA pax and families!


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  1. I enjoyed starting my day with you men. If someone had told me months ago that I would willing wake up at 5:00 on days I didn’t have to (and enjoy it) I wouldn’t have believed them.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  2. Christmas joy spread amongst the PAX. Great to be surrounded by some brothers just as crazy as me.