Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Haiku – Vol VIII


Lockjaw calls Haiku

Holiday lights on Grove Ave

Adds cheer to the miles


Vin’s sportin’ thumb holes

Sippy Cup’s socks over tights

TYA is proud


5s discuss camping

Sunrise from the mountain top

Contempt for yoga


McFly races Saab

Trying to clock eighty-eight

Sans DeLorean


The Circle of Trust

Confession it is not, Saab

Save it for memoirs


Marv’s prayer was good

Love, trust, and helping others

Be your best today




About Author


  1. Great run today. Also, there is a ruck friendly workout at DaVille on Tuesday. See Shakedown for details.

  2. I’m not that creative, but I can’t send the shirt back. Going to the haberdasher this weekend to have the holes sewn shut. Really enjoyed running with Fireman Ed this morning. Thanks for hanging back.