Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rosie drops 250


After SOT yesterday a couple SOJ regulars noted that they would not be attending the Rosie Q at Timberwolf, apparently word got out in New Market too with a no show from that contingent.  Fortunately Beaker showed up to keep YHC company.

Mosey around the parking lot checking out a potential LIFO, no dice, unless the teacher wants to workout in khakis (Ask Vinny if yard khakis are acceptable workout attire).  Warmup IC and In Converstion with Helicopters, DQ, Arm Circles, SSH, LBC, Merkins, IW.

Mosey to the bus loop for Blackjack – start with 20 LBC on one side of the lot, run across do 1 merkin – continue adding up to 21 to 1 LBC and 20 merkins.  Easy mosey to Light pole alley.

Alternate choosing exercises and movements between poles.  Assortment of Squats, box cutters, Freddie Mercurys, merkins, SSH, Alternating shoulder taps and others, closing out with American Hammers.

Thanks for keeping YHC company and setting the pace Beaker.  After a night of hanging at a neighborhood fire pit and sampling the kids candy the “in conversation” pace was appreciated.  A total of 250 merkins were dropped on the 2 PAX to get started on November the right way.  This all went down the morning after YHC’s namesake, a not quite washed up Derrick Rose, dropped 50 in an NBA game.  After multiple knee surgeries and bouncing around the NBA, he’s still got it.

Thanks for indulging me and letting me lead you through some merkin heavy work this morning Beaker.

Have a great day.


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  1. Well done guys. Not out late trick or treating, unfortunately, up late working. Had to fartsack this morning.

  2. Strong work fellas! Hated to miss but unfortunately it wasn’t the Halloween festivities that got me as well. Flu season has arrived! Hope to be back in a few days.

  3. I have plenty of excuses, but the fartsack was strong today. Good job Beaker for still heading out. Proud of ya.