Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

How many “…….” did we do?


19 inspired, hardcore mofo’s arrived this morning to Dogpile hoping that the weather, specifically rain, would ease up slightly (3 PAX members rucking)……0600 and it was time.

Slow mosey around the Carillon to COP. And yes, YHC had worked on his cadence. And the COP went a little something like this……X 10 Don Quixote’s, x 50 Imperial Walkers, x 10 Invisible Jump Ropes, x 25 Flutter Kicks, x 15 Freddie Mercuries, x 15 LBC’s, and x 25 SSH.  That was enough and mumble chatter was light.

Mosey down the road toward the pipeline except Upchuck and YHC traded paint there at the gate. Upchuck managed to fall with style and with little down time. My bad Upchuck!! Down the road past the pipeline and toward the toll booth.

Nickel Bridge= starting at the toll booth, run to each light and perform x 5 Burpees and alternate with x 5 Merkins. Lead PAX member goes to the top of Westover Hills and back across the bridge. Trailing PAX turn around once leader had lapped them. YHC believes there are 15 light posts. Respect to the leaders this am!! However, PAX was unable to return to the start due to Toll Booth Wilma telling Bleeder that the PAX was on private property at the start. Thanks to Bleeder for directing the PAX to Road Closed sign on Pump House Road. YHC arrived with PAX planking and time to mosey up Love Hill!

Thank you goes out to Slurpee and Abba for headlamps and Bleeder with the ankle strobe.  Lighting Love Hill was extremely beneficial. Once at the top, circle up on grass infield.

Super 21= 1 Merkin, 1 Situp; 2 Merkins, 2 Situps; 3 Merkins, 3 Situps, up to 21. And IC!! Super awesome!! Slight amount of extra credit but PAX dug deep and water was found. 0703…..mosey back to the flag with Puppy Pile observing!

Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements-there were none! Weird….

YHC took us out!

NMS: Dear PAX, hope the cadence was better. Upchuck, sorry about the fall but 2 years at F3 with no fall is pretty good….great recovery time! YHC has a yellow bracelet for you.

Bleeder-glad F3 Cooperate  was there to speak with Toll Booth Wilma regarding PAX being on private property. FFS….really!

Hardywood-thanks for the final push at 19, 20, 21! Way to motivate!

ET’s makes my week!!

Only those who post understand.

Loud and Proud,



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  1. What a whopper of a beat down. Well done.

    306 merkins and 75 burpees (76 for those who added one on the fall). Apologies for the leg sweep and take down. Definitely my bad.

    The candence was officially Waldorf and Statler Approved.

  2. Nice beat down, Flatline! Super 21’s were a great finish, thanks for the count Upchuck…Glad you are ok after the tumbling maneuver…

    Have a great weekend guys!

  3. Chesticles – that’s funny Hutton – gone be sore tomorrow.

    Hell of a job men, Flatline. Good leadership all day today man.

    Bleeder – nicely done keeping us in good graces.

    Upchuck – falling down in front of everyone sucks but you did it with style and finess and came through it like a warrior. Well done.

    I’m repeating Flatline but hell yes Hardywood- those last three rounds were tough but would have been tougher without your indomitable spirit.

    Good times.

  4. That was a lot of merkins.

    Fudd told Flatline he is so swole he is busting out of his Mr. Incredible costume and needs a new one now.

    Great Q Flatline. Nice work gents.

    Gitty up ..