Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Amateur Hour… RAMM Gears this Friday. Pre-blast?


A couple of weeks ago, Phonics told me that this Friday, August 3rd, was to be the date for RAMM Gears, Amateur Hour, Part Deux (see http://f3rva.org/2018/06/15/peloton/ for reference) and he asked me to put together a route.  Of course, my reaction was “F* YEAH… More dudes on bikes!”.

If it’s truly the case, and this Friday is to be the second edition of the “run-what-ya-brung, dig-out-the-1990-something-Trek-and-come-ride”, I’m your guy, and I’d like to open it up to 2.0’s if they can make the early hour, unless there are objections.  I’ve got a route in mind, and plan to tune it for maximum satisfaction for those who can post.

Additionally, if your old bike needs a some touching and loving before Friday, give a brother a holler (best to tweet at @bvay).  I actually do own tools, and have a deeply seated love for that bike you bought in college and haven’t touched since ya got married.

I want to see you on your bike.


No Tools


About Author

Tech guy who dreams of being a shepherd. Recovering BMXican. Currently hairy-legged Roadie and MTBer.


  1. Also, I am loving these No Tools backblasts! Who knew you had a talent for the written word?

  2. Thank you, Lab Rat – kind of you to say. I went to college to learn how to talk good. (BA Rhetoric & Communications Studies. Soon after I left, they defunded the department… 4realz.)