Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Super RollerCoaster


TYA, YHC and FNG (JoAnne) shook off a little cemento (that is not a misspelling) dust for a Wednesday evening hill run.  2.5 miles in one direction with multiple path and street changes.  Return same route with slight modifications due to some directional difficulties attributed to TYA.

Total Elevation Gain – Approximately 100 feet.

NMS – Upon arriving back at home base after a day TYA acting like he knows what he is doing when it comes to masonry and YHC acting like he knows what he is doing when it comes to speaking Spanish, YHC and TYA were sitting on the front steps covered in dirt, dust and mud.  YHC knows that TYA loves his Wed. Hill run, so YHC delcares we are going for a run.  YHC informs TYA that we are going to take the path across the street from the house and take a left up a mountain and see where we end up.  What could go wrong with a plan like that?  It turns out that we ran uphill for 2.5 miles.  Along the way, we traversed through a patch of pine trees that were completely engulfed in clouds.  Very eerie.  As the run progressed, the PAX got plenty of looks from the villagers, as YHC is sure they have not seen many white men or women run through their streets before.  The kids directed many snickers our way.  What is great about running in high elevation, is after you have climbed the elevation and head back down the mountain, your lungs clear themselves and your breathing is extremely clear and efficient.  YHC thought he was going to have to tackle TYA, as the man was a beast this afternoon pushing the limits on the inclines.  YHC threatened sever injury if TYA did not give YHC enough time to catch his breath and get rid of his light headedness after an especially difficult climb.  TYA obliged by giving YHC exactly 3 seconds.  A#$&^%.  All in all, it was a great run and no better way to end of day of hard work than with a buddy and some fun.

Circle K


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