Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bells, Babies, and Dinosaurs


6 men showed up to MANNdate for Chewy’s 2nd Q, with a Jurassic Park theme for the upcoming movie

Smurf jacks
Crab cakes
American hammers

Mosey to car loop

Catch me if you can – all the kettlebells placed along car loop, everyone partnered up and decided whether to be the lawyer running to the bathroom (chased) or the tyrannosaurus (chasing)
Lawyer – at each kettlebell 10 kettle bell squats (toilet squats)
Tyrannosaurus – start of with 10 hand release merkins (t-rex merkins) and 3 each arm hammer curls (t-rex curls) at each kettlebell. When they are caught they switch.

Mosey to field

Egg Hunt – 2 teams (raptors and people) are on opposite sides and the kettlebells (eggs) start off the boundary line. The goal is to get the most bells into the team’s specific area. Both teams can cross the boundary line, but when the are on their opponents’ side, they can get tagged. When someone is tagged they let go of any bells they’re holding, drop down, and to crab cakes until someone does 5 2-count crab cakes beside them.

Mosey to flag

Boat canoes



Mudface took us out

The workout got off to a shaky start since it was only Chewy’s 2nd Q, but things quickly got better during the COP. Chewy enjoyed having everyone do excessive amounts of crab cakes to Mudface’s disproval.

The only time someone had their own kettle bell was when they were doing American hammers during the COP or around the flag doing boat canoes. The rest of the time everyone used everyone’s bell. During the Catch-me-if-you-can and Egg Hunt the kettlebells were with someone different than their owners.

After Helix and No Idea left, Spit received a call. Right afterwards, he hopped into his car and drove away. Everyone left thought either his wife was having the baby they were expecting or No Idea decided to drive into their house.


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  1. Great Q Chewy! Love the theme. The answer is Year my M had gone into labor and Baby Spit has arrived. Hope to be back in the Gloom soon fellas!

  2. Nice Q Chewy. You got into your groove as we went along. At the end you were fully on board when you stated with authoritative confidence “Mudface, take us out!” KB chase was fun.

    Baby Spit was courteous enough to wait until the workout ended before he rang the bell. Congrats to the Beach family!

  3. Great job leading and coming up with some creative games, Chewy! congratulations to Spit and family.