Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pre-Blast: July 4th Convergence at Tredegar



There will be a 60 minute July 4th convergence at Tredegar/Brown’s Island/Belle Isle on Wednesday, July 4th at 7am.  It will be very similar to the Memorial Day beatdown, but there are a lot of untapped resources around that AO where we can try new things out.  YHC will start us off and then it will be Hot Potato, so think of something different to do from Memorial Day if you get called upon.  This also gives those Pax members that could not make the Memorial Day beatdown a chance to post at this great AO.  This will be the only F3RVA workout that day except for the regularly scheduled Roller Coaster run that evening at 5:30pm.

****UPDATE**** There will be a Hardywood/Kubota sponsored Coffeteria/Breakfast immediately following****

Charlottesville and Hampton Roads, please come join us!

If you are in town, come on out and let’s have some fun by the river!




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1 Comment

  1. I’ll be there. Let me know if you need help with coffee implements. My garage is FULL of coffee shit right now.