Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rock the bells


A PAX of five posted for this week’s Circus Maximus.  We assembled in the pretty parking lot and after some conversation about who might take the Q that morning, we jumped in and started with the following, roughly in cadence:  SSHs, Imaginary Jumpropes, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes, Hillbillies, Shoulder Taps, Figure Eights, and Arm Circles.

We grabbed our kettlebells and moved to the covered walkway adjacent to the bus loop.  We completed an 8 minute EMOM alternating Sit and Press and Overhead Press, targeting 15 to 20 reps each minute.  We followed with another 8 minute EMOM alternating KB Swings and Dead Weight Squats, targeting a similar number of reps as for EMOM one.  We finished EMOMs with a third 6 minute version with Standing Rows and Curls, again targeting 15 to 20 reps per minute.

We then completed a Weighted Nine, keeping our bells off the ground for 9 minutes – during which we walked with our weights and completed a range of holds, hangs, and exercises.  We finished with a couple of minutes of stretching and then a COT with Attila taking us out.

Good being with you guys.  Nice mumblechatter, but crappy cadence counting.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


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